Thursday, April 14, 2011

20110414 English as a second language

In this semester, I am taking a class for English Education & Teaching Methode.  It is true that it is difficult to communicate with a second language. Yesterday, I had a small presentation and discussion test in another English speaking class at Sungshin Women's Univ. Especially making a speech in front of a lot of people fluently is more difficult than just talking with friends.

To have a great speech, a speaker needs a connection with audience. I think that it is the most important factors. To make a common connection with audiences, a speaker needs to build credibility between them.

As an ESL person, sharing each others culture can be a strong point for them. Language is a part of culture. To speak English fluently as a second language, people need to be familiar with the culture in America. To be familiar with different culture, people should have an open mind to accept other cultures. If people just keep their culture and do not understand others culture, they cannot fully understand other language.

Therefore we need to be active to learn others culture with hanging out with foreign friends who is a native spearker of English a lot and try to learn their communication culture.

Second tip is using media. When you watch the TV, there are a lot of sources that you can feel American culture through a Sitcom, Soap Opera, TV show. Especially watching news or reading newspaper is a good way to learn current issues around the world and then make common issues to share with foreigners. 

To be connected with audiences  just understanding others culture is not enough. As a foreigner, we have a strong point that we have another culture to share. Nowadays is an era of globalization. The world becomes one village. When I share my culture with other people it can evoke an interest on other cultures and it becomes a base for wider communication. Each person can others opinion each other through sharing their culture.

For Example, When I was in US as an exchange student at University of Mary Washington,  we held a Korean Day there in last semester. In that event, we had a presentation on Korean culture; Korean housing and clothing. We also introduced them Korean traditional game with serving Korean foods. Many American students joined our events and they enjoyed and shared Korean and American culture each other. With sharing culture, the presentation became more effective than just presenting with words and slides.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in the connection you've made been understanding different cultures, on the one hand, and effective presentation skills and creating rapport with the audience, on the other.
