Thursday, May 26, 2011

20110504 The Power of Beauty

             I think that the power of beauty is immense to all people, both men and women because it is natural that most people are interested in a good looking person. In my opinion, there are two reasons for immense power of beauty: first impression and confidence.
             Beauty is highly influenced on people’s first impression. For example, when I was an intern at Human Resource (HR) Team, my boss said me that when a company hire new employer, having good first impression is also very important for company’s image and knowing personality. At this point, good first impression doesn’t mean that people should be beautiful like actors and actress. Real beauty is not made by plastic surgery or make-up but revealed by people’s mind. When we meet people at first, there are some people whom we feel more comfortable and prefer to. We judge people by external beauty at first but external beauty is highly related with internal beauty. Therefore beauty is very essential for people’s good first impression.
             Normally, when someone is beautiful, he or she has a high confidence on herself or himself. It is natural that all people want to be shown with good-looking. In my case, when I don’t have a time to wash my hair, I usually wear my cap to hide my face and hair. However, when I had a make-up and beautiful clothing, I feel more confident on myself because I want to be shown more beautiful to others if possible. Beauty gives a pride to people on themselves. It makes them be more active and energetic in everything. In addition, this is helpful for making a good relationship with others. With self-confidence by beauty, people can love and care themselves with pride.
             In conclusion, beauty is important not only for women but also for men. According to the Collins English dictionary, a word, beauty means that “the beauties of something are its attractive qualities or features.” Being attractive to others is very natural as a human, so most people want to be more beautiful for their first impression. Moreover, beauty makes a person be more confident on everything. We cannot live without considering our beauty, but we should keep in mind that external beauty reflects internal beauty.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea that "external beauty reflects internal beauty."
