Thursday, May 26, 2011

20110519 Through racism, love and jealousy in ‘Othello’

Critical Review of Othello
Through racism, love and jealousy in ‘Othello’
Othello, the Moor of Venice is a tragedy that is written by William Shakespeare in 1604. Shakespeare tended to use existing stories from history and books for the basis of his play. Othello was based on a story in Cinthio’s ‘Hecatommithi’ in 1565, ‘Un Capitano Moro’.
Othello, the Moorish general in Venice married Desdemona, a daughter of a Venetian senator, Brabantio in spite of her father’s opposition. However, Iago, Othello’s ensign bears a grudge against Othello because Othello appoints Cassio to his lieutenant. Therefore, Iago let Casso lose his position as a lieutenant and let him approach Desdemona for his reinstatement as a lieutenant. He also devises wicked designs to let Othello misunderstand the infidelity of Desdemona. Finally Othello strangles his wife because of his suspicion and jealousy. Fortunately Iago’s evil scheme is discovered but it becomes too late to put his lover back so Othello commits suicide.
In this tragedy there are various themes; racism, love and jealousy.
First, there is racism in this work. Othello is the Moor not the white. Desdemona’s father opposites the marriage between his daughter and Othello because of his race. If he is not the Moor, it cannot be a tragedy. The tragedy happens because of Iago’s intrigue and hostility against Othello. At that time, the Moor is treated as an inferior race but Iago is neglected by the Moorish general, Othello so Iago becomes much madder at Othello. Furthermore, it is possible that Othello also has inferiority as the Moor. He cannot sure that his wife, Desdemona really loves him or not so he becomes to lose his reason because of his distrust and jealousy. The race of Othello results his inferiority and lack of pride leading his murder.
Second, this tragedy is based on Othello’s love and jealousy. The central figure of the tragedy Othello, the scheme of Iago is using Othello’s love with Desdemona. For Iago their love is only leverage for achieving his ambition When Othello’s love turns out jealousy, he becomes to destroy his love and himself by himself. Othello’s jealousy grows that Desdemona betrays him with Cassio resulting him killing his wife Desdemona. Actually, the relationship between Desdemona and Cassio is treated as an adulterous love by Othello’s misinterpretation. When Othello realize his fault, he wants to get his love back through killing himself. If Othello loves Desdemona believe the innocence of her love, this can be a happy ending punishing Iago’s scheme without destroying a lover.
In conclusion, Shakespeare uses several human basic emotions; racism, love and jealousy to make this play as tragedy.

1 comment:

  1. Did you enjoy reading this play? How do you like it compared to some of Shakespeare's other work?
